The phrase "must be authorised by the supervisor" simply means that the process that implements this capability ( Amend Order With Authorization, in the example) is dynamically invoked. “必须由管理程序授权”意味着实现此功能(在本例中即授权修正顺序)的流程是动态调用的。
When a client or supervisor dictates how a program should process well-formed input data, take the opportunity to agree in detail on how the program should act in case of error. 当客户或主管在指示程序应如何处理格式良好的输入数据时,抓住机会,对万一发生错误时程序的具体操作细节同他们达成共识。
Watch for significant shifts in your supervisor's decision-making process. 要注意上级决策程序的重要变化。
The supervisor control for aluminium plate rolling is important for production process controlling. 铝板轧制过程的控制是板材生产过程自动化中的重要环节。
The Information Managment and Supervisor System for Industry Process Based on Client/ Server Architecture 基于客户/服务器模式的工业过程信息管理及监控系统
Teachers play a part on their own volition as the role of supervisor in the process of education supervision. 在教育督导的过程中,教师不是被动地接受而是主动地参与了督导,并且具有督导者的角色身份。
The supervisor identifies the parameters of process in real time to choose the controller that will be switched into the feedback loop. At the end, it is proved that the output of process is regulated to zero. 监督器对参数进行在线辨识,实现控制器之间的切换,最终将过程的输出调节到零。
As a result, the prototype, which is developed with OO methodology, function-satisfactory and user-friendly, is able to be transplant and embedded into Blast Furnace Guard, a type of software for intelligent supervisor control of blast furnace process. 使用面向对象设计方法开发的系统软件结构设计合理、界面友好,具有在线联机帮助功能,可以方便地移植于高炉炉况智能监测系统&高炉卫士中。
Intelligent scene supervision and control system can transfer data in the scene that are intelligently processed to the supervisor while the supervisor can in turn control the scene supervision process and confirm an effective supervision and control system in the certain scene. 智能场景监控系统能把场景内的信息经过智能化的处理后传递给监控者,同时监控者也可通过交互手段对监控过程进行控制,实现对既定场景高效的监控。
It analysis the reasons that produced those problems through the legislation, administer justice environment, administer justice team construction, administer justice system, and administer justice supervisor in the process of the quality technology supervisor executive actions. 从立法、行政执法环境、行政执法队伍建设、行政执法体制和行政执法监督方面分析了其产生的原因;
How to keep balance between the right of financial holding conglomerate and the power of supervisor in the process of legislative supervision of affiliated transactions? 如何对金融控股集团关联交易进行法律监管,以平衡金融控股集团的自主经营权和监管机构的监管权力?
During construction, it is important for government to supervisor foundational quality, body's structure quality and environmental quality from pre-supervision, process supervision, and supervision after the event by monitoring quality actions of every construction body. 施工中围绕建设主体质量行为,重点对地基基础、主体结构和环境质量实施事前、事中、事后循环闭环监督;
The author states that supervisor who is in charge of water supply and drainage should control engineering quality according to construction process and working procedure to make relevant supervision measurements. 作者着重论述了负责给排水专业的监理人员对工程质量的控制应以施工过程为基础,以工序质量为核心、结合工程项目的具体情况,制定相应的监控措施,以搞好监理工作。
Central bank is the regulator and supervisor of the whole financial system. And in the process of keeping national economy stable, central bank plays an important role. 中央银行作为整个金融体系的管理者和监督者,在国家经济稳定发展的过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。
Introduced makes the value control law the elementary theory, the commonly used project construction cost control supervisor technology, as well as makes the value control law in the items of basic construction entire process construction cost controlled process application situation. 3. 介绍了挣值管理法的基本理论、常用项目造价控制管理技术,以及挣值管理法在建设项目全过程造价控制过程中的应用情况。